Saturday, May 11, 2013


Been really slack keeping the blog up to date in the last few months. I've found Twitter and it is so much more convenient for those quick updates. I won't lie and say that I'll try harder to post but rest assured I haven't abandoned the blog.

I hope you were nice to your mother today because there could be some waves tomorrow. The blow earlier in the week has pushed some sand around and there looks to be the odd gutter here and there. BP Groyne has some of the summer sand washed away and there was just the glimmer of a shape there this afternoon.

The water will probably still be brown and there is plenty of weed around as well. I had a SUP at Fraggles this afternoon, catching a couple of waves to make a very inconsistent and difficult session worth it. However the short dump was pretty ferocious and thick with weed. Needless to say I had to duck under a triple up and came out looking like something from a horror movies. There were even things swimming in the water left in the hand well of my SUP !

The swell is dropping but is still around 0.55. It might not be big tomorrow but its a bit hard to tell how much the onshore today was blowing down the waves.

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