Thursday, February 16, 2012

Some days

You just aren't destined to get wet.

There was new board surfable wind wave at Juniors and plenty of kiters. That's the positive before the conspiracy began.

First I get stuck a work when I should have been home. My wife is crook so I had to get some shopping, walk the dogs and cook tea. Tea could wait till after waves but the others needed to be done first.

Straight to the shops, grab the groceries and use the self service checkout. The most important thing when shopping is to have cash or a transaction card or a credit card. I opened my wallet to find none of these and remembered them on my bedside table.

Back home. Take the dogs to run amuck. My plan is to let them run themselves around till they are puffed, which shouldn't be long.

Instead they pissed off up the beach and wouldn't come back. When they did they disappeared up the other way. By the time I could grab them it was too late to go out.

So the Kelvinator remains unridden.

0.17 at 20 seconds, seas 0.76

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