Thursday, June 2, 2011

Good news, bad news sort of day

Headed off to Safety Bay to see my parents today and did my usual check at a couple of old Mandurah haunts on the way. This resulted in some good news and some bad news.

The good new - one of my favourite waves 4th Groyne was pumping. It has been a long time since I have seen it this good. Sets were around shoulder height and blasting through. The wind was offshore.

Bad news - the crowd. The take off spot is pretty small with two distinct zones. Way inside on the wrong side of the groyne for the body boarders and in front of it for the surfers. What this means is that a couple of greedy people ruin any session and unless you can hassle you don't get much.

Good news - there were a few smaller ones rolling under the pack and breaking inside and there were a few more from blown take offs or where the haven't been able to link around the little fill up section into the racetrack. If I sat there I could get a few fun ones.

Bad news - a really bad summer, five weeks in Europe, cold water, steamer and a really stiff and sore back meant that I surfed about as bad as I ever have. I could catch waves but not get to my feet. I even tried changing from my dhufish to my mini mal but that made no difference. I left the water embarrassed and pissed with myself.

Good news - I had hand plane 2.0 in the car.. Not having to stand up was a big positive and I got a couple of really nice left handers. This improved my mood dramatically.

The other good news - my new Xcel wetsuit was nice and warm and really flexible. And with no back zip I might avoid breaking more zips.

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