Saturday, June 27, 2009

Danger Will Robinson

Only one word to describe it - HUGE.

We have been in between fronts for most of the day but with another severe weather warning just released the next bashing is not far away.

The ocean is a monster with waves peaking and breaking further out than you are likely to see the other 364 days a year.

This morning saw two guys out at the Wall. It was very messy and the peak shifted everywhere. The only got two each in about 30 minutes of paddling and duck diving. It was too bad for the Saturday board board crew who, despite being suited up, walked, looked and walked back. They didn't go back dry as the waves were breaking over the rockwall and spraying the footpath (and it was raining).

Looks as bad tomorrow. Hopefully Fuel TV is back to the Sunday Session and not Ultimate Fighter.

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