Sunday, July 29, 2012

Surf Movie Sunday

Not much to pick from this week either

Some big waves on the east

Yanks in WA and NZ

Josh Kerr in Indo


Northerly winds and small.

0.56 @ 14

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Handplane goodness !

Took the newest hand plane out for a test bash this afternoon at BP reef. Looks great and still smells of cedar. The finishing oil made it a bit darker but it is pretty.

The waves were ok but the water is freezing. The hand plane is a lot bigger and wider than my previous attempts but held a nice mid-face line. There are a couple of little things that need to be tweaked (mainly the strap) but I think it is a goer.

0.57 @ 14

Little ones

Nice morning but a little cold.

BP has no banks and the swell is rolling over the reef without breaking. The Bay is small but there are some little wedges for the lay down groms.

Coastalwatch has it being classic down south at 6 to 8 foot and offshore.

0.55 at 14

Sunday, July 22, 2012


Wind never really picked up and the swell hung around all day. The reef was the only real wave and there was a rotation of surfer all day.

I decided to have a hand plane session at Barnacles because it has been too many days since I last got wet. The waves weren't great and there were plenty of rocks but I braved the cold water to get a couple of little walls. Always brings a smile to your face.

The down side was that I took out my waterproof camera and the back opened. I think it is stuffed but I've got my fingers crossed for when it dries. Looks like the SD card died and some of my photos with it.

As usual I had finally figured how I would mount it on my new hand board. The new board is just about ready to hit the water. I gave it a finishing sand this afternoon and the first coat of oil to finish it. Looks great. Its wider and made from strips of cedar and Tassie oak. Made for some great smells during construction but the different hardness and grains made for some interesting shaping.

I have kept this one very simple with just a slight single concave running through the middle. It's only three slabs wide and there isn't much rocker either. I'm hoping by keeping it flat it will plane better and faster. However with the width it is going to be a bugger to swim with.

Rough Shape

Nearly done

Surf Movie Sunday

Not a lot to choose from this week.

Last week was classic rides at Cloudbreak. This week it is bone crunching wipeouts from the swell during last month Volcom Pro.

Some 1994 footage of deep Indo by Sonny Miller.

Like I said, I'm scratching for clips so here's something to make you feel better when it's less than classic.


Glassy with little wind. The swell has dropped a fair bit and the direction has pushed the waves to BP Reef.

The same people as yesterday out enjoying the odd sucky left. Not very good but ok if you want to get wet (and the crowd stays away).

0.71 @ 13 from the WNW

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Some pics

from today. They were having fun in very inconsistent waves.

Good or not

Offshore, blue sky and plenty of swell. There is a few very inconsistent waves coming out of a rip off the rocks at Juniors.

Four guys out at the moment sharing two wave sets which tend to be very quick. Get the right one and it will be fun but you could be pretty frustrated.

Swell holding between 0.93 and 0.75 at 14 from the west.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Never wait

I just decided to have a run down to the Bay. It wasn't any good (although the one guy out seemed to be happy enough) but the Wall had a little mal-loving runner right out the back. The tide was just right and swell in the right direction but it was too late.

Would have been a bit sharky by myself but looked fun. Bummer.

On the plus side both are showing some signs of being ready if the right swell comes through.

0.80 at 14


Got a sneaky day off and was hoping for a sneaky surf. Nearly !!!!

There is a building swell in the water but no banks and the reef isn't doing it either. The wind has swung onshore. Its light but not helping anything.

I think I need to trek off to the Bay over the weekend to see if there are any banks forming there as the swell direction is pretty good. Not holding my breath though as it hasn't worked for two years.

0.90 at 14 from the west but with a south west swell (3.38 at Naturaliste) just showing.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Another write off weekend

Onshore and crappy. Yet another weekend with no wave.

0.60 at 16 - westerly swell

New/old World Champ

Steph Gilmore has won another world title, winning the Roxy Pro in France last night.

The waves so bad early that I couldn't be bothered watching for more than a couple of minutes in the first round so can't tell you how she surfed or anything else.

The stupid thing is that it is July and the world champ has been picked and there is only one event left.

Surf Movie Sunday

Ry Craike and Clay Marzo surf some crap in WA

Jay Davies at Rabbit Hill

One for the girls - Laura Enever ripping

And a nice 18 minute edit from last years massive swell, the best until this year's swell during the Volcom Pro

Friday, July 13, 2012


A whale has had a leisurely day cruising just offshore from Marlston Hill accompanied by a pod of dolphins.

Just as you feel safe because its to shallow for a big shark to come in a frisking massive whale floats past !!!!!!

On the negative, no waves today and not looking much like it is going to improve. Before the fog cleared it looked like it might have been okay but wasn't.

Really south swell at 0.34 metres and 12 seconds.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Short sharpie

Twenty minutes and two waves before the sun went down. Juniors was cranking on the north swell.

It was really difficult to find the take off spot because it move sideways and in and out. That just meant you watched sweet waves detonating around you. Lots of unridden bombs because it was just me. Saw on right break at the back of the reef for a softish take off at head height, suck into a legitimate barrel section and the warp its way to the beach.

Just wished I'd gotten home earlier.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Disappointing again

Swell is around but there is nothing to form them into waves. The wind is cold and SSE and there is one guy out pin the reef but judging by where he is sitting he doesn't surf there much.

No suggestions as the tide will continue to drop out.

0.48 m @ 12 with a lot of north in it.

Surf Movie Sunday

Taj and friends up north

Night surfing in South Africa (could be called - The night a shark ate me ! )

Trailer for Storm Surfers 3D

And finally some smoothness from Joel Tudor

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Swells up

Light winds but no real shape. Even the reef isn't holding anything worth paddling in to.

The tide is pretty high so it might improve later if the wind doesn't swing.

A bit disappointing.

0.64 at 12 and a bit

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Not sure

Some swell and off shores but lots of closeouts. The reef looks ok but only just throwing up enough waves for the three already out there. There is a bit of north in the wind so some ribs in the faces.

Might do my chores and fix the ding in my new board from where it fell down in my shed (and replace the snapped out fin and fix the dings in the other boards as well) and then have another look. Not that I have much time before work at lunchtime.

0.26 at 11

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Surf Movie Sunday

Because the real stuff is crappy.

Even better than real surfing.

A sneak peak of the WA section from Billabong's upcoming movie Daze at Sea. And a free downloadable movie from Surfer Magazine. If you want to keep it click here.