Sunday, April 10, 2011

New hand board

Not much to do today so I knocked up a new hand plane. I'm still messing around to see if I can make something different and to learn how to best use my tools.

This time I started with a rough cut paper template as symmetry isn't my strong suit. I went for a more disc shape and it turned out looking a little bit like a McCoy Laser Zap.

I've gone for a shallow double concave but I am a little worried that middle V is a little off centre.But it doesn't really matter because I intend to hack away at the board after a few surfs anyway. The rails are still boxer than I like in the middle but flow better into the deck than version 1.

Its a pretty looking board than my first attempt, which worked but looked like a rectangle with a rounded end.

I've followed a tip from the website and mixed some turps with my linseed oil.

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