Thursday, June 18, 2009

Swell Related Stress Disorder

I read somewhere how with the advent of the net every swell was becoming an event that couldn't be missed. Conversations were now about swells not waves or spots.

Now that we can see possible swell events days out and track them endlessly it seems that we are getting stressed either trying to catch it or because we miss out on something that we will never have the chance to ride again.

Before the net there were the same number of swells and you missed the same number of decent waves, you just didn't know it. Ignorance reduces stress levels.

As I type this the start of the week's second cold front is dumping on the roof. The forecast is for possible destructive winds and a swell peaking at 6 metres. I know that three of my favourite spots will be firing about lunch time tomorrow but there is no way I can get there. There will still be waves on Saturday but they will be packed out and I'm still busy. Yet I have been keeping an eye on the system for three days and I'm antsy as anything. Plus I picked up my new board and my custom wax yesterday.

Sometimes it is just better not to know.

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