Saturday, March 12, 2011

Good start

Another of those classic Autumn mornings. The wind is light and offshore, the air has a ting of coldness and the water is warmer than the air. It is so quiet that the only noise on the beach is the wind and breaking waves.

Or should that be closing out waves. There is still swell around the 0.4 mark (Naturaliste is touching 3 metres) but no banks. Juniors is fairly crowded and every wave has three people taking off and not an inch of face. There are about six out at the reef which has the odd smaller wall but its hardly classic.

Barnacles on the other hand threw me up a classic hand plane session. Crystal clear water, sucky take offs and some nice clean walls. The 1.1 went well in the cleaner conditions and I was able to keep a higher line that I would usually get on the Hydro plane. The water was so nice it was like swimming in your bath !!

I can't see the conditions improving to much today. Maybe the higher tide might move the take off at the reef a little further out and there could be some waves there. However I wouldn't hold your breath.

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