Monday, December 27, 2010

Day 3 - 27th December 2010

Unbelievably flat. The harbour buoy was showing six centimetres and the Naturaliste buoy was only 0.6. I can't remember it ever being that flat. The wind was lighter with a touch of north in the east.

I had to work and drive to Augusta and back. It was flat everywhere, including the easy to get to swell magnets. The only waves I saw were in Augusta. They were onshore, dribbly and about gut height but after the last few weeks I was spewing I didn't have a mal with me.

Marges was dead flat. I have never been there when there have been no waves at all. The river mouth looked like Bunbury, Smith light Diamond pool and Yallingup suitable for water skiing only.

This afternoon the wind was a  little onshore southerly but it hasn't brought up the swell.

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