Friday, October 1, 2010

Kelly Houdini !!!

Slater has pulled another classic escape act in round four. Michel Bourez was on fire early with some big turns and a bazza or two. Slater was comboed and with a total just over one with the heat half done. Owen Wright was never in it as he wasn't getting any decent waves.

Then Slater picks up a full stand up tube followed by a massive floater where he spent more time free falling than in the lip. The 8.5 put him back into the game.

Michel took an impossible dumper which was so powerful it snapped his Firewire, a task most trucks can't do. While he was trying to get in against a rip that looked like a river, Slater locked in another barrel, came through the curtain and the threw an air reverse for a high seven and the heat. He might have been just a little overscored but he has done enough to deserve it.

Slater to the quarters, Owen and Michel to round five.

Jordy Smith has just free fell into a deep pit but was whacked when he tried to sneak through another section.

The waves are still good but the rips are massive and moving through the lineup. With the "small"  9 metre tide running out the good waves are moving around between banks and the paddle out is getting difficult.

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