Saturday, September 1, 2012


Day 1 of Spring and we have perfect Spring weather - sunny one minute, raining the next. Winter was a complete dud again but we will still probably get some more bad weather in the next few weeks. There were no real banks formed anywhere.

Every year that I have lived here (and that is quite a few) we've had a nice bank at the Clam but there hasn't been a single Clam day so far this year.

The Wall had some nice sand but not enough swell. The Groyne has had a day or two and Fraggles maybe an hour or two. The plus was the rip bank at Juniors but only for a week or so. BP Reef continues to be MIA and if you tell people that it was once the most consistent winter wave and broke off the back bombie they think you are on drugs !

There is no surf today as you would have already guessed. There has been four surfable hours all week and if you were on it quickly enough you could have had some fun. But I'm guessing most people (including me) just wrote the week off.

The seven day forecast has onshores till next Friday.

0.98 @ 13 seconds, seas 1.09.

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