Sunday, September 18, 2011

Handplane version three

With the crappy weather it seemed to be a perfect time to start bashing away at my next attempt at a hand plane (or hand board whichever). This one has started life as a couple of broken breeze boards off my house and a piece of packing material. I'm not overly confident that the old glue I used will hold it all together as I lacked the necessary clamps. I'm thinking of ways to get around that.

My rough plan is for a "stinger" shape with a fin. It will be longer than the other boards and with less rocker. I'm trying for more volume, a longer rail line and flatness to give more speed in fatter waves.

It might already be jinxed though. The initial photos were on the camera that got stolen from my garage, some of the tools I had out were used to steal my bike and I went to use my drill (the tool I needed the most) it has stopped working !!!

It won't stop me giving it bash though. I can always fall back on version two or the Hydro plane or make another one. Version three won't be the last.

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