Friday, May 27, 2011

Autumn afternoons

The swell had grown slightly this afternoon and although the wind was onshore it wad really light and having no effect on the waves. And there were a few little waves.

Three young guys were out on the beachie at Juniors and two at BP Reef. The wait was long but they all caught enough good ones to make it worth the paddle.

I took hand plane 2.0 out at Barnacles. This was the ultimate test of this shape because I haven't been won over so far. I love the look of the shape but it just wasn't convincing me. But I hadn't tested it at Barnacles, the place where I know how it should do and could compare it to how the other surfed. The result - I caught two of the best waves I have ever got there.

The board still feel "dead" but the more I thought about it the less this seemed to be a problem. I think the problem is not with 2.0 but with version 1 and the Hydro. Both of those were bigger, with a longer straighter rail line so they tended to chatter and bounce over chop and bumps. 2.0 doesn't seem to do this, in fact the rides felt slower but I beat more sections and went further. It is actually heavier than the other hand planes but with it's rounded shape feels lighter and you can swim with it. I'm happier now.

I'm sure tomorrow morning will see the Bay packed full of groms. Might still be some little closeouts to keep them happy.

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