Saturday, May 15, 2010

Slow week

Not been much of a week surf-wise. There has been the odd bit of swell around and if you had the time and luck you could have gotten a wave or two.

This morning was glassy and the wind was very light. BP Reef was infested again, about twenty out in small and inconsistent waves. Even the groms were turning on each other as drop ins were the norm.

I chose to get wet without the hassle at Barnacles. Used the mini-mal as it is the most disposable of my boards. Its already left a fin in the reef there somewhere but it wasn't that shallow today. The board did make it hard to turn sharply but I got a few speed runs and wiggles to make it worthwhile. After the first flush of water warmed up in the wettie it was quite a nice way to spend an hour.

The wind was still light but with a heap of north it was starting to get a little messy.

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