Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Round 2 Over

And Parko is out again. With his round 2 win Mick Fanning has taken over the lead in the World Title race.

Even though it was a bit wonky and badly onshore the waves at Mundaka were very contestable and the early heats were an air-fest. It was a bit condusing to watch as they were running overlapping heats but at least there was lots of action.

Slater got through despite not surfing since France and having a dodgy knee (from golf at St Andrews). Taj snuck through by 0.3 much to the disgust of Artiz Aranburu who thought he had done enough.

Who knows what they will do today. The have at least one full day left in the contest. The wave is so tide affected that the window is pretty small but at least the days are long.

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